Monday, August 12, 2013

The Shield and The Gold

The Shield, NXT taping, July 11, 2013

 It's been almost 9 months now since the Shield bust on the main roster scene and completely took over. Dean Ambrose, Seth Rollins, and Roman Reigns have remained undefeated since.  That's an impressive winning streak. It has lead to Ambrose holding the United States Championship belt, and Reigns and Rollins holding the Tag Team Championship belts. As a cohesive unit  they are stellar, but after 9 months one must wonder what is going to happen once the they do finally fall. They can't remain undefeated and keep the belts  forever.
   From day one, Ambrose has been the stand out as far as being a total package. He's a wrestler that doesn't need a character. Being himself is enough, no gimmicks needed. He can cut promo like no other. He can throw down in the ring the best. He holds the single championship in the trio, so I am obviously not the only one who feels the same. At the July taping of NXT, I witnessed firsthand, one of the greatest matches ever between him and Adrian Neville, for the U.S. belt.  This two young stars at the top of their game going at each other. Of course though in the end the Shield interferes when things get tough for Ambrose.
Ambrose, NXT taping, July 11, 2013

  I love the Shield, they brought life back into the WWE main roster when it was needed more than anything.  I wonder when the WWE will let these stars flourish on their own? It is starting to get stale knowing that when the going get tough that the back up is coming every single match. Ambrose is stellar, he doesn't need the gimmick with the back up anymore. Reigns and Rollins have gotten better, but they are a tag team they have each other's back. As true champions it's time that they are allowed to shine on their own. They are quite capable of doing it. 
The Wyatt Family, NXT taping, June 2013

  With another trio of NXT superstars, the Wyatt Family, making main roster recently with a unique gimmick leads me to wonder if they might just be the ones to finally take the Shield down a notch.  The Wyatt Family's Erick Rowan and Luke Harper held the NXT tag belts, while the leader ,Bray Wyatt, is one the best in the sport right now. He combines a unique character with his large size and unmatched amount of agility. When defeat does come to the Shield it may be the end of them. Even as a huge fan of the Shield, I am feeling it might just be that time. Only time will tell what is next for the Hounds of  Justice.

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